Herb Baumeister

In 1993, a number of missing person cases involving young men went unsolved. Roger Allan Goodlet disappeared on July 22, 1994.  Goodlet’s mother contacted the police, but unsatisfied with their response, she hired a private investigator.  Soon Goodlet’s face appeared on flyers throughout the area.  Finally, the community and media began to ask questions about the young men who frequented the gay night clubs in the area and their disappearances. Days after Goodlet’s disappearance, Stephen Hale was the eighth man to vanish.  Police turned to the FBI Behavioral Science Unit for help.  The profile indicated the perpetrator was a white male, mid 30s, bisexual with a mid to high level IQ.  The profile would only be useful if the received information on a possible suspect.   

One potential witness came forward. Mark Goodyear told police about an odd encounter he had with a man who was a regular patron of the bars in the area.  When Goodyear and the man discussed the missing person flyer, the man seemed to feign concern. Despite Goodyear’s suspicions, he agreed to accompany the man home, where they engaged in erotic asphyxiation foreplay.  Goodyear was shaken by the encounter and reported the incident to police, but he was unable to pinpoint the location.   The man continued to contact Goodyear. During their phone conversations, the man admitted to accidents or bad nights, but he never confessed to murder.  By August 1995, ten men had vanished.   Goodyear spotted the man in a bar and took down his license plate number, which belonged to Herb Baumeister.   

Unlike most characters in true crime stories, Herb and Julie Baumeister lived a seemingly idyllic life. The meet while attending Indiana University and married after Julie’s graduation in 1971.  They founded a prosperous business, the Sav-A-Lot Thrift Stores, their children attended private schools and to all appearances they had achieved the American dream. 

Herb Baumeister serial killer 

Police didn’t have any evidence to tie Beaumeister to the crimes, so they questioned him and asked to search his home. Unable to obtain a search warrant, Police conducted a search from the air using an infrared camera in the hopes of locating graves. The search was unsuccessful. Julie couldn’t believe Herb was involved; however, the stress of financial hardship and the accusations damaged the couple’s marriage. Julie filed for divorce and feared Herb would flee with her children.  She decided to give police permission to search the property. 

The police found a burial ground behind the house. Bones, teeth and skulls were strewn on the ground.  Some of the bones were burned and broken; others were whole, large pieces. There were seven left metacarpal bones discovered, indicating at least seven victims. Despite the gruesome discovery, Herb Baumeister was not taken into custody.  Herb Baumeister committed suicide on July 4th, 1996.  He left a suicide note but made no mention of his crimes.  Witnesses came forward and confirmed Baumeister’s habit of bringing men home for sexual encounters.  Police speculated that Baumeister may have killed 50-60 people, beginning as earlier as 1980.  The I-70 murders were eerily similar. 

It seems inconceivable that Julie would not know about Herb’s activities. She did know that in 1972, Herb spent two months in a psychiatric hospital and was diagnosed with compulsive personality disorder.  Police did not consider Julie an accomplice because she was gone each night a victim was taken to the home. 

71 Responses to Herb Baumeister

  1. mysteryshrink says:

    When you say local community, are you talking about Indiana?

  2. lisaj66 says:

    The police and media seemed to overlook the disappearances, and some believe it was because the victims were homosexual. Aside from the gay community of the area, most people weren’t aware of the case, until Goodlet’s mother hired a PI. Then the media picked up the story. The crimes occurred in Indianapolis, Indiana.

  3. mysteryshrink says:

    We had a gay family member go missing about twenty years ago in Tulsa Oklahoma. He was last seen in a gay bar. His car was found by the freeway, his wallet inside, wiped clean of prints. We have had no luck.

  4. lisaj66 says:

    Sorry to hear that. It’s sad that these cases weren’t investigated more aggressively in the beginning. Several lives may have been saved. It’s as though some victims are deemed more worthy of justice than others.

  5. hlsamson says:

    Is this the same Sav-A-Lot stores that are all over Michigan? The grocery stores? Just curious because of the same name, but yet in every description it says Sav-A-Lot “Thrift Stores”… ???

  6. lisaj66 says:

    They’re not related.

  7. nvilledds says:

    I grew up in the same neighborhood as the Baumeisters, my best friend lived across the street. Their kids played with us frequently and were very normal. Later on, my best friend and I worked at one of their thrift stores helping to set it up (small manual labor jobs) I think I was 16 or 17 years old at the time. Herb was odd, but very nice. Julie was not as friendly. Looking back I shudder when I think about Herb and I working alone in the large dark warehouse in the evenings moving stuff around.

  8. lisaj66 says:

    That’s a scary thought but you know what people ALWAYS say after killer is caught “He was a nice guy, a little quiet, kept to himself…” Those are the ones to watch out for. Come to think of it, I have a few neighbors like that too.

  9. Sara Cheney says:

    Just watched the Investigators about the story. Wow, what a crazy man he was, Odd that a kubatic like him could have started a successful business as he did.

  10. sally says:

    He actualy lived in Westfield, Indiana. His House is right down the street

    • Bob says:

      Can you tell me exactly where Herb lived. I live in Carmel near 131st and Spring Mill Road and am wondering if I live close to Fox Hill Farms.

  11. bruce says:

    What street did he live on? This was on the local radio station (WIBC) last nite on the Crime Beat show. I remember the whole area was nervous!

  12. kathy says:

    his house is on 151 st and 31.
    a lot of his land has been sold off in sections for expensive neighborhoods
    they build million dollar homes on land that is believed to still have dead bodies in it.
    i can see his house from my bedroom window. ha

    • Chief Lawson says:

      Can you give me the address of the home? I would like to lok at it on google earth.

    • Robert Graves says:

      The house is not on 151st it is on 156th. I know this because I own the house now.

      • Chris says:

        I saw the story on syfy it blew me away. Is was air on this ch.on Oct.17,2012. It was a show call Parormal Witness. Is the house that hunted.

    • Robert Graves says:

      We own the property known formerly as Fox Hollow Farm. We purchased it in May 2009. The address is well published so I am not giving away anything that is not public record. 1111 E 156th Carmel, Indiana 46032 Although we are sadened about the murders that took place here we are not interested in reliving them daily. The property is 18.5 acres and is beautiul and becoming more rare due to development.

      • Serena says:

        Hi Robert, I work for a television production company that is producing a documentary on Herb Baumeister. I would like to talk to you about filming at your property. Could you please email me at Serena_Nelson@beyond.com.au to let me know if this interests you?
        Thank you.

      • Scott S says:

        I rode by there and think it’s very creepy, Mr. Graves. I see you’ve tried to rename it in order to disguise it and put up a fancy security camera, but that does nothing to change what happened there. I bet there are still bones all over that property. It’s only too bad it has been closed off and made so private.

      • Keith says:

        They were discussing the documentary about your property on The Bob and Tom Show. It looks/sounds like an interesting movie. I remember the director mentioning the Graves live there now. Did they film on your property?

      • I’m watching an episode of Paranormal Witness highlighting your property now……So sad that such evil and horror took place in such a beautiful place. May the peace and Light of God come into your home, your lives and property always.

      • Nafessa says:

        I’m watching Paranormal Witness at this very moment never heard of this man Herb until now … I’m curious to know if you are still living there and are you still experiencing paranormal activity?

      • aria gee says:

        Robert Graves,
        i hope you do not mind me asking, are or were the hauntings true?

      • christina says:

        I’m courious to know if you and your family still live in this house and if so do you still experience any paranormal activity?

      • Leslie says:

        So you’ve never experience anything paranormal ?

      • Marcy Devore says:

        I hope you and your family are able to enjoy your home. I know the history before you got there wasn’t good, but you’re creating a new history for the home. It looks like a beautiful place. I wish you and your family the best.
        Take care,

      • Sean says:

        I was wondering if it would be possible for me and my wife to visit the home and surrounding grounds. I understand u and your family don’t want any of the attention that the history brings. I’m just very interested in seeing everything. Please contact me at 317-376-2983.

      • Mark Goodyear says:

        Mr. Graves,
        I did see your Paranormal Witness episode. Either you based your story on what I had to say or you told the absolute truth.
        There is no other way to describe being on that property.
        You and your family have described exactly what I deposed to law enforcement.
        It took me several attempts to watch the entire episode, because of the flashbacks. Anyone going onto that property would know what happened there. It was awful to be there.
        Haunted is an understatement. I did see the ghosts there when H.B. was alive. Juliana did see the ghosts there as well. She and I did discuss them. The spirits did tell the tale of their murders.
        I hold little hope that the property will ever be without spirits. It was blessed several times before dureing and after the investigations. I do know that some activities have ceased or lessoned. However the pool area will most likely always be a hot spot. Much happened down there. Those wide steps. That hot hot pool water. He kept it way hot to help the drugs kick in faster. To sedate the victims. When the pool cover was rolled back and that hot water hit that cooler air from the open patio doors a thick fog would envelope the entire room. He would then be practically invisible to the victim(s). It would be interesting to encounter what would happen if you were to reenact this scenario with the temp in the low 20’s like tonight.
        My family once went under cover at an auction held there by Juliana shortly after the death of H.B. I did see much of the furnishings and manequins that I had seene at the murder scenes being sold at the auction. H.B. told me that these were his only true friends. You do know that he had an antique hearse in the garage. Much went on there as well. The rooms above the barn were used to store ( legally I cannot say). Until disposal in the back yard. there was so much carnage there that it could not be hidden. Anyone walking up to that property would know what was going on there. After all, I knew instantly what was happening. I did call 911 from the house phone. I was told that I was delusional and to sleep it off.
        I had left written words on mirrors in the upstairs bathroom.
        Questions really, only to return minutes later and find that the questions had been answered by an unseen hand. Writeing on the mirrors became a way of communication. I found if I turned off the electricity to the home that I would calm the spirits into a more relaxed state. Communications became much easier and more dependable. You might want to try this if you are still enquireing about the stories of individuals.
        I do wish you luck only if your efforts are sincere.
        May God continue to Bless you and yours!

      • Julia Toomey says:

        Hi Mr Graves, just wondering if you have experienced any paranormal activity in the home since you have lived there and if so, what did you experience? Also, have you ever found anything pertaining to the crimes either inside the house or outside on the property?

  13. patty boatman-powell says:

    i am the niece of one of his victims, clay boatman. it tore our family in a thousand pieces i watched my grandfather his father die a hundred times over ever time a lie popped up on the front page. see clay was a nurse in indy (he had a very kind heart his smile would light the room up) BUT because he was in a gay bar in indy and left with this monster the police who in all their wisdom plastered all over the news he was a homosexual prostitute! i feel for anyone who was touched by this monster or any of the other monsters in this world.

  14. Tammi Goodyear says:

    i am the sister of the young man whom dated this monster….If you care to talk i will write……………………………………………….

    • Greg says:

      Hi Tammi,
      My name is Greg and I am a gay man who lives in Indy. My partner and I watched a show on HB last weekend and drove up and saw his house. Super weird feeling to be honest. I remember the missing photos in the bar and remember thinking this was being passed up because the victims were gay.
      I am thrilled your brother made it out alive and helped bring HB down! He has to feel great about that. At least something good from him meeting HB. I have always had a fascination with serial killers writing a few papers in younger years. Being gay I, living nearby,and remembering the photos just makes me more curious.
      I would love to pen-pal with you.

      take care and hope to chat soon…Greg

      • Kurt says:

        Greg, my brother Eric Roettger was murdered by Herb in May of 1985. He was barely 17 years old, which is much younger than his other victims. Eric lived with me at 52nd and College Avenue, and he left the morning of May 7, 1985 to go to a job interview in nearby Broad Ripple. Was Broad Ripple at that time a place where gay men would frequent? Was Herb ever known to hang out there? I read that he lived in the Butler-Tarkington area at the time, which was not far away. My brother had no car and no license to drive, and was walking to Broad Ripple that day.

    • Serena says:

      Hi Tammi,
      I am trying to contact your brother regarding a documentary that is being made about Herb Baumeister. I would love to chat to your brother if he is interested. You can contact me at Serena_Nelson@beyond.com.au

    • Alex ( Cicero, IN) says:

      Tammi do you know anything about his kids? where they are now or how old they are?

    • Mark Goodyear says:

      Tammy; why would you invite people to chat with you about something which you have no first hand info? This is not healthy.
      Would you discuss me or my business? Is this a plea for attention? very difficult for me to determine your goal(s) by posting here. You would be unable to discern any fact concerning this case because your info is limited only to what I have to say. After all it is easy for me to say whatever I like, everyone else is dead.
      I think everyone knows who is writing this.

  15. jimbo says:

    I was a good family friends with Herb Baumeister. I was 13 years old when this happened in 1996. His family would eat dinner at my house every year on the 4th of July too. I also went to school with his children….my parents still refuse to talk about what he did. Horrible things

  16. Dororhy Favor says:

    I lived behind Save A Lot and IF THE NEWS WOULD HAVE MENTIONED BOYS MISSING I would have automatically known it was him, cuz he creeped me out. THANKS MEDIA!

  17. Tammi says:

    hello Greg……i read your bit about wanting to chat…..remember i am goodyear’s sister…..look me up on facebook……take care……

  18. Chele says:

    I believe it was in ’06, we gained access to the house from the owner prior to Mr. Graves. There was a lot of development going on on the property. Sad to see that beautiful area being bulldozed. I also think that another owner of the property also committed suicide. Our group conducted paranormal investigations while there and we were not disappointed. I only wish I had enough money to buy the place and open a Bed and Breakfast. Would make a lot of $$ with the advertising. Not to disrespect the memory of his victims but to acknowledge them and not let what that sicko did be ignored.

  19. yikes says:

    westfield..not carmel.

  20. Penny says:

    My brother was murdered in the swimming pool by this monster. Michael Keirn. I just needed to have my brother recognized.

    • jonah swidan says:

      Very sorry that happened to a loved one!!!

    • Nafessa says:

      I just want to say R.I.P to all the victims of this creep … Never heard of him until i watched a show on SyFy called paranormal witness… May you guys find closure & peace…
      My condolences to all the victims recognized & unrecognized

    • eInCalifornia says:

      I’m sorry for all of you who lost loved ones and friends. It is horrific. Property shouldn’t be built upon that land until all the remains are dug up. It feels disrespectful. But of course that’s easy for me to say, not owning a huge place needing to pay it off. It seems to me that if a database of missing 18-30 yo gay males apprx 155lbs 5’9 were compiled and counted, it seems we could connect those missing with the crime. It would be nice ot have a memorial. Penny, I’m so sorry about Michael. I’ll remember his name. And yes, no crime should be less broadcast because of gender, racial, or political issue. I wish every one of these young men harmed find rest and healing for the wrongful way their lives were stolen. I also wish no others are harmed by this mad man…I mean by his spirit.

    • Mark Goodyear says:

      Your brother is not forgotten. All of the publicity does drive me underground but I am still here. I think of these people very fondly every day. Without your brother I beleive I would not have made it these 18 years. The victims are the heroes here. The victims still have a voice and continue to tell their story.
      I do pray that you and yours continue to be Blessed.

    • Sabrina Hendricks says:

      Omg penny I am SOOOOOO sorry! =( I hope that god is with yr brother ❤ and that Herb MUST burn in HELL! I hope that you move on with your life and accept that your brother WILL ALWAYS be with you! ❤

      -Sabrina ❤

  21. jonah swidan says:

    My father lived just north on 146th and Oak Ridge at the time in 1996. I remember (being 12 at the time) their being quite a few helicopters circling around! But then eventually forgot about it after a while. I was watching a show with my mother just a few years later about Herb and not really seeing most of the program but she had told me everything that happened! Then it came to me why I had seen all the helicopters at the time when my father had lived in Westfield Farms. Now him living in Ponds West I just recently decided to watch the whole documentary on youtube and I ended up visiting where we used to live and where Herb had lived. IT MADE ME CRINGE to think how close I had lived by all that!!!

  22. Saffy says:

    I don’t ever remember hearing any victim’s names! I think probably many were never even identified…horrifying.
    Julie did not seem like a stupid woman at all. I believe she knew nothing…it does happen because these guys are pathological liars and don’t seem threatening.

  23. jordan says:

    I met herb baumeister’s ghost in pinery park near grand bend when I was camping-that’s where he killed himself

  24. HELP!!! I am trying to find out if my friend Jeff Jones was a victim to Herb, Baumeister. Any info would be most helpful. Thank you, Bob.

  25. Watching Paranormal Witness right now and their doing a show on this guy. I’m stunned that i never heard of this story before this. Who owns this now? Is it a B&B? Curious

  26. Sue Valentine says:

    My prayers go out to the victims & their families. I hope that law enforcement will use this tragedy to learn from it and maybe prevent it from ever happening again.

  27. Amanda says:

    Mr. Graves I just watched you on paranormal witness, awesome show, and I was just curious if you still live there or if you sold and if you did, why? Just curious because the happenings didn’t seem to bother you and your family. You should definitely have a paranormal team come in to maybe get the victims peace and more information on these unfortunate murders. Thank you.

  28. matt says:

    why did he kill all these people

  29. matt says:

    what did the people do to him

  30. matt says:

    if he was still alvie i would kill him

  31. Leslie says:

    I’ve always wanted to go to the Fox Hollow Farm , there’s a lot of places i’d like to go
    And I know some of you won’t believe me but I am able to see the dead , I’ve been seeing them for my whole life
    And I’m 17 years old still curse to see the ghosts
    I might be able to help them with clorsure

  32. K.a.s says:

    I really feel bad for these homosexual men who died…I recently watched paranormal witness which showed this story. The man who lived there after actually saw these men as ghosts and seeing an interpretation of one of them truly pulled on my heart strings:'( my question is how was herb doing this pyschotic crap when he had children and a wife. The wife should of suspected something.

  33. alana says:

    I feel so bad for all the victims this was a sick sick man who did bad things to very good people my heart goes out to all the victims families

  34. jinger says:

    To the person that is living there now. Aafter seeing the paranormal
    program i could not believe your renter did not move out!!
    Was this a true depiction of what happened, or made for T.V.programing?

  35. scotty says:

    whta kind of a monster would even imagine killing 50-60 bisexual men. im glad they conducted the search. i wish justice would have been served but he took the easy way out…

  36. bengalpuss says:

    I’d never heard of this guy, and i read a lot about serial killers. I’ve just watched a programme called “Paranormal witness” About the family that bought Baumeisters home “Fox hollow farm” And how they believe that herb baumeister roams the property. One of the apartments was rented out to their friend and he has a voice on a tape, when he asks “who is here In this room with me” You can hear a voice saying herb. Now if that was me, i’d have been out of there. Herb baumeister never admitted to the murders in his suicide note, only to his failing marriage and business, so how do they know for definatel it was him? There could be that 1% Chance he didn’t do it, he more than likely did but you never know, just a thought.

  37. bengalpuss says:

    Im so sorry for you that you lost your brother. Just reading the comments and realizing all the people who have been devastated by one man is truly unimaginable. If that happened to me, and my brother lost his life in such a heinous way, i’d want someone to pay. Its a shame that when this was brought to the police’s attention by that young man, maybe if something was done then instead of waiting for the guy to come up with baumeisters vehicle registration, they might have saved some lives. And wasn.t it the cops job to find this guy not goodier’s. Its a good job he did otherwise baumeister would still be killing young men.

  38. Mark Goodyear says:

    I was there in the that pool. Your brother would have had to have been already drugged and felt no pain at all. There would have been no trauma to the body until after death. It is very difficult for me to say much without people feeling that I was more involved or responsible. H.B. was a coward and would never assault or make his move on any sober person. Your brother would have been
    totally out of it. I do pray that you keep in touch with other victim families as you will find no comparible persons to share your grief.
    It is a very personal event and I do respect and honer your privacy.
    People do not understand that I did lie. I had to say that H.B. attacked me. He did not. I said it so that the police would go to the property and see what I saw. I was very desperate to draw as much attention to this man and his family as possible. The lie was only to lead law inforcement to the bodies. I figured once the bodies were seen then the killings would stop. Now it is published that I was intimate with him. I was not. One lie starts a firestorm of subjective thinking and then I find myself being pursued by all types of people for all the wrong reasons.
    I was told by the F.B.I that this was a Civil War burial ground and that I should just forget it.
    I knew at that time that zippers were not invented until after the Civil War. Also the clothing and hair were still present. Still no response from the F.B.I.
    Yes I had to lie. I was not sure how things would come out in the media. I did all my media appearances before H.B. was deceased.
    The effort was to bring attention to the killer. To stop the killings.
    There is another posting here from my sister. Tammy. This is only one example of attention seekers trieing to get notoriety from this happening. My sister knows I did not date H.B. I do hope that after all these years that people will try to give me the benefit of understanding my efforts of exposeing this story.
    I would like to say that Juliana did know what was happening.
    I did have many many conversations with Juliana about her husband. Somethings can explain themselves. I saw what she did, I saw with my own two eyes. I am still here Juliana. H.B. warned you about me. Remeber I did invite you to grab a shovel and help dig. You declined.

  39. kaylee says:

    Why do they keep making Herb Baumeister famous? I’ve been haunted by this story since I watched the episode of Paranormal Witnesses. I’ve been wanting to find the victims pics & names. They shouldn’t be making the killer famous, people should be wanting to remember the loss… just saying

  40. Ann says:

    Interesting episode of Ghost Adventures tonight at that house (aired april 3,2014). Very creepy though.

  41. What's taking so long? says:

    All those poor gay men and no one cared about them except their friends and families. I bet the reactions of authorities would have been different if the victims weren’t gays. Also, to this day so many remain unidentified. Did any of the victims families file civil suits against his wealthy estate for compensation?

  42. Sabrina Hendricks says:

    OMG!!!! The reason why I’m here is because of the t.v. show on travel channel Ghost Adventurs
    And I don’t know why but I love this case! Lol but seriously I feel soooo sad for the victems familys =( may god be with them.and may Herb burn in HELL!!!

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